SFDR: A Game-Changer for the Financial Industry
The SFDR mandates extensive ESG disclosure for financial firms to empower investors to direct capital towards sustainable businesses
The following article by Terra Instinct discusses the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), a regulation adopted by the European Union (EU) that mandates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure for asset managers and other financial market participants. The SFDR is intended to help investors make informed investment decisions and promote capital flow to sustainable businesses. It introduces strict labeling for ESG-related products, which can help mitigate greenwashing and false claims.
Article originally published at https://www.terrainstinct.com/sfdr-a-game-changer-for-the-financial-industry on September the 8th, 2023. For more information, contact Alyasar Holou, Business Development Manager.
Terra Instinct is a sustainability reporting managed service for private capital’s regulatory compliance and alignment with global standards. Covers the ingestion and quality analysis of data through to the processing of metrics and report preparation.
Vesuvio Labs is a Venture builder based in London helping entrepreneurs by accelerating the process of turning ideas into a scalable business.
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