Instech London Member Spotlight: Vesuvio Labs

May 13, 2021


Kristian Feldborg, CEO and Founder of Vesuvio Labs, talks to InsTech London Partner Matthew Grant, about Vesuvio’s offerings, partners, and setting up businesses miles away from home.

Article published at Instech london’s website on March 2021. Read it here.

InsTech London identifies and promotes the use of the best technology, data and analytics within insurance and risk-management around the world.

Our network of over 17,000 people work for insurers, brokers, consultants, investors and technology companies from start-ups to the established global enterprises.

InsTech London has been supported by over 200 companies since founding in 2015.

Vesuvio Labs is a Venture builder based in London helping entrepreneurs by accelerating the process of turning ideas into a scalable business.

Follow Vesuvio Labs on LinkedIn | Listen to the Digital Rocket Fuel podcast on Spotify | Sign up for our newsletter | #vesuviolabs




Venture Builder, technology governance, DevOps and delivery for the Financial sector, led by @k_feldborg . Curated by Pedro Caetano.